After a data record is selected from the initial primary data set, a feed mashup is invoked from the mashup hub, resulting in two separate requests to independent feed data sources ( RSS or Atom). 当从初始主数据集选择一个数据记录之后,会从mashuphub调用一个feedmashup,从而产生两个不同的对独立的feed数据源(RSS或Atom)的请求。
Based on the crystal growth theory, it was considered that the growth element of the primary TiB 2 is the trigonal prism of six Ti atoms with one B atom at the center, and the primary TiB 2 grows mainly in a step growth method. 结合晶体生长理论分析认为:TiB2的生长单元为一个硼原子和六个钛原子组成的三棱柱,硼原子位于三棱柱的中心,生长方式以台阶式生长为主。
As a primary approximation, the effects of different adsorbed atom masses on surface phonons are discussed by a simple mass defect model. 作为初步近似,用质量亏损模型讨论了不同吸附原子质量对表面声子的影响。
The crystal structure indicates that the Ni~ ( 2+) has a distorted octahedral geometry, in which the two primary ligands participate in coordination with two O and two N atoms and the secondary ligand takes part in bonding with N donor atom. 晶体结构分析表明,Ni2+具有畸变的八面体配位构型,配位原子分别来自两个二齿配体糠醛水杨酰腙的两个氧原子和两个氮原子以及两个配位吡啶的氮原子。
Using O as the primary knock-on atom, in different incident direction, the creation and evolution of various defects in the system corresponding to the PKA energy of 1 keV were studied. 采用O原子作为初级击出原子,模拟了当初级击出原子能量为1keV时不同入射方向下体系内缺陷的产生和演化。